
 vim is Vi-IMproved, a free (charity's) vi text editor clone with many extensions and great features such as multi-level undo, multiple file windows and buffers, flexible insert mode (use the arrow keys to move while in insert mode), visual mode (execute commands on highlighted areas of text), block operators (operate on rectangular blocks of text), folding, and an online help system. Vim is well worth a try, even if you hate vi (try easy mode: vim -y or gvim -y), and especially if you love vi but would like to eliminate some of vi's limitations, such as limited line length or one command undo.
There is quite a big selection for texteditors available. And there is also a big selection that seems to be easier to use than vim. The only problem about that is that it only seems to be so, especially at the start...
Why I am writing this? Well... Try to handle bigger files within gnotepad, pico, kedit or what else lurks around there. It's quite impossible to navigate simple and fast within those... Yes, there are other powerful editors like emacs (but that one wastes resources like hell), jed and so on, but those aren't available on (almost) all (unix-like) systems. You can quite surely bet on vi or a clone being available. And within most linux-distributions it is the default replacement for vi, not just because its 99% and up compatibility to vi.

$Id: vim/index..html,v 1.1 2003/06/11 18:55:52 dope Exp dope $
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Last modified: [ 2004-12-10 00:21:14 ]